Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014

Some Thoughts about Moses and JHVH

I liked Christian Bale's interview about Exodus: Gods and Kings, and his blunt words about Moses, him having been a psychopath who killed men, women and children. I had a similar view of Moses who by proxy is just the speaker or acting instrument of another psychopath, JHVH. But, of course, you can't call a "higher developed" being a psychopath. You call him an angry god. Since the times of Moses this racist and very jealous angry "god" is the source of much trouble and evil. His name, JHVH, cannot be spoken, because it has no vowels. But men tend to put vowels between consonants, and so, with the numerous different cognitive patterned tongue and lip muscles among different peoples and times different names appear. But they all somehow sound alike and depict the same angry god. Let me take you on an admittedly very strange linguistic and semantic journey.

OK, first there is of course the putting in of the vowels e, o and a: JEHOVA. Then, in a shorter way, only a and e are put in: YAWEH. Then, other people, with other tongue muscle developments and with hundreds of years of speech changes we get a JUPITER (or JOVIS, JOVE), by Jove! In the far east you get a SHIVA, the J and H of JHVH having changed into a SH and the vowel I. All the named gods are angry, and they even destroy people. Admittedly, quite some unusual, even outlandish journey through concepts. But consider the linguistic and semantic changes that a word like e.g. 'crux' (cross) had in one or two thousand years: 'croce' (Italian), 'croix' (French), and cross. Even the German 'Kreuz' has its roots in crux. And the semantics have also changed: 'to bear a cross' means 'to accept an unpleasant situation'. This is just one example. So, considering all this, the linguistic thread between all these names doesn't seem too outlandish to me.

Now, this JHVH is just another offspring of those "gods" mentioned in the Sumerian tablets, beginning with Anu. Quite interesting, those 'gods' from Nibiru, who according to Sumerian tablets created us humans some 300.000 thousand years ago, in E-din... There is much literature and litter and junk about them found in the net.
BTW, another interesting linguistic thread between names and appelations seems obvious: from 'Enlil', one of those Nibirian 'gods', to the Biblical 'Eli' (god), to Allah. I hope, Muslims aren't cross with me now.

OK, back to Christian Bale. I have an excellent character for him to play, the Viennese version of Scarface, Toni Wiener, a pimp. See the website of Quantenmedien, Title Mont Pi. I think, possibly Christian Bale will like to explore this role or person.

Enough for now, enough of shuffling quantum particles and freezing them.

My Coffee con Latte is finished. Time to go.

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