Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

Open Letter to the Sheiks, Royal Leaders, Princes and Kings of The Emirates, Katar and Saudi Arabia

Dear Sheikhs and Royal Highnesses,

This Open Letter was written to express my (our) deep concern

that you spend enormous sums for building new stadiums in Katar, for acquiring British and investing in US Football Clubs, for buying expensive soccer stars;
or for increasing your militia;
but that you do nothing to help your Muslim brothers fleeing from the atrocities of the ISIS-Terror militia or the Taliban besides writing a few cheques and let others deal with this problem.

So I (we) respectfully implore you to help your Muslim brothers in every way possible: E.g. invest billions to help the local Greek, Italian and Spanish authorities to deal with this crisis of thousands of refugees; or grant asylum to refugees with the prospect of future citizenship;
and I (we) implore you not to denigrate those few who were already taken in by your countries, not to treat them as humans of a lower class by exploiting them and giving them no rights. 

In closing I (we) hope that you put aside political, cultural und economic reasons for your actions (existant and not existant) and let the Quran speak. 

Most respectfully yours,

(names of the stars who sign this open letter)

An Open Letter to All Actors, Stars and Hollywood-Icons

Dear fellow human beings (sorry, Hollywood-Stars),

A three-year old Syrian boy had to die that the world finally took notice of the immense amounts of Muslim refugees flooding Europe and especially Germany. Aside from the fact that many Germans welcome the thousands of arriving refugees, Germany and the EU are engulfed in the tunnel vision that this is solely a European problem, resulting in state and community rivalries, extreme logistical challenges and utmost violence against the refugees by some European countries. But it isn't a European problem. It's an Arabic and Muslim one! So I dare to ask the all important question: Why don't the Emirates, Katar or Saudi Arabia help their Muslim brothers? Particularly in view of the fact that they are enormously rich (e.g. the wealth of the Al Nahyan Clan of Abu Dhabi: estimated 600 billion Dollars)? Not even the US-media asked this very important question, until recently, when the picture of a small dead boy on the shore got the attention of the media. (Being Viennese and thus very sarcastic, I dare to ask the question: Were the reporters really emotionally shaken or did they just get a good headline?)

Since an unkown person or underdog as myself cannot achieve anything, this open letter is the desperate attempt to reach a few stars who are motivated enough to nudge those super-rich billionaires that they help their Muslim brothers where help is really needed, like those areas in Greece, Italy and Spain, where refugees land from sea and are placed in overcrowded camps.


Alfred Zeisel

P.S.: The Open Letter to the Sheiks and Royal Families of the rich Arabic countries (found in the next post: is a blueprint you may paste/copy and change according to your humanitarian viewpoints or wishes if you want to put it on your website, blog, facebook-page etc.
Thank you.